Tuesday, June 9, 2009

North Korea, A Weak Man, A Madman, and A Bomb and you get a BOOM

N. Korea Arms Parade

The politics that our President is using with North Korea are showing the World that we do not mean business when it comes to Terror. North Korea has always done what they can to get into the headlines, either by threatening other countries or their public desire to obtain Nuclear power. Under President Bush, N. Korea agreed to stop their nuclear program in exchange for getting taken off the list of “State Sponsors of Terrorism”. Being off the terror list allows them to have access to financial resources and United Nations money and food aid. President Bush got them to disarm by being firm with them, you have to show us you’re willing to work with us and then we will do the same for you.

Now starting with the long range missile that they fired over the coast of Alaska earlier this year, they are testing the Obama Administration to see how far they can go. The line was drawn in the sand by the Bush administration, No Missiles, and no nukes or your back on the list. Since Obama has taken office N. Korea has tested a long range missile, which is capable of reaching its nearby countries in Asia as well as Alaska. They have also tested countless short range missiles that can reach South Korea AND have started up the nuclear refining facility that they closed under Bush. Each of these things independently would get them back on the list, let alone all three.

Recent Satellite Images of N. Korea Nuke Plant

The Obama administration has responded by first asking them politely to stop what they are doing. Then once N. Korea publicly admitted they detonated a Nuclear Bomb underground and started up their refining plant, Obama asked the United Nations, to ask N. Korea, to please stop. After the UN asked N. Korea to stop they began testing short range missiles that they could use in an offensive against S Korea, or sell to other countries or terrorists. To this day, Weeks after the Nuke Test was confirmed and Months after the Long Range Missile test, N. Korea is still NOT on the Terror List. The only thing the Obama Administration has done right through all of this is to put US Navy ships off their shore to inspect vessels leaving N. Korea for Weapons.

It’s clear that N. Korea wants Nukes, and they have admitted they are looking for buyers for the technology. One of those buyers is potentially Iran, who has been pursuing Nuclear power for the past 4 years. Not only is Obama letting N. Korea slide on this issue but he has also PUBLICLY stated Iran should be free to pursue Nuclear power, if they intend to use it for the right reasons, despite saying they want to “Wipe Israel off the map” (Our one and only ally in the middle east).

It seems like our President thinks that if he is “nice” to all of our enemies then they will turn into our allies. In theory that might be a good principal, but in reality, this is a big nasty world with people that absolutely hate us and our way of life. Simply being nice to them and letting them have their way will NOT make them our friend, and on top of that, in this process they are becoming more powerful every day.

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